A lover of education!
From a village boy in one of Uganda's remotest villages to Stanford University in California, to Canberra's most prestigious Australian National University, and more, Joel's education journey is a testament to his hard work, perseverance, and determination.
Schools Attended
Australian National University, 2023-2025 (Master of International Relations)
Peking University, 2017-2019 (Masters of Politics and International Relations)
Makerere University, Kampala, 2011-2015 (Bachelor of Arts with Education)
Kitgum High School, 2009-2010 (Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education)
Kitgum High School, 2005-2008 (Uganda Certificate of Education)
Exchanges and Fellowships
Don Lavoie Fellowship at George Mason University, USA (2023-2024)
Stanford University FACES Center, California (2019)
Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, Florence (2018)
Peking University International Summer Program (2018)
Other professional Training:
Resource Equity Women Land Rights Institute (Certificate on an intensive course:
"What Works for Women on Collective Lands?) -
Jacobs-Abbey Global Institute For Leadership-2022 (Certificate in Human Rights)
Kectil Youth Leadership Training -2017 (Certificate of Leadership)
Young African Leaders Initiative- 2016 (Certificate in Civic Leadership)
Google-2016 (Certificate in Digital Proficiency- digital marketing)
The Better Tomorrow Movement-2018 (Certificate in Communications)
The Chartered Management Institute-2019 (Level 5 Certificate in Business Consulting: Leadership and Management)
The BAI XIAN Asia Institute-2018 (Leadership Summer School)
Young African Leaders Initiative, Nairobi (2016)- youth gathering
The Yenching Global Symposium, Beijing 2018)- Student-led international conference
The Yenching Social Innovation Forum, Beijing (2017)- Student-led international youth conference
Chengdu Youth Federation Youth from the Developing Countries’ Conference, Sichuan (2018)
The Kectil Southeast Asia Conference, Hanoi (2019)
The Kectil International Conference, Atlanta (2019)
The Young Belt and Road Conference, Suzhou (2020)
IGAD Communications Workshop, Nairobi (2021)
United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Young African Scholars Conference, Johannesburg (2022)
East African Youth Innovation Forum, Kampala (2022)
African Union Bingwa Initiative Pre-deployment Training, Dar Es Salaam (2022)
Youth Pre-conference ahead of the second Conference on Public Health in Africa 2022, Kigali (2022)
Second Conference on Public Health in Africa, Kigali (2022)